Chris And Connie

A blog from Chris & Connie, in Ontario, Canada. Rather than sending out unsolicited emails with updates of goings-on in our family, come check out our blog at your convenience. It also makes for an easier time sharing things, without having to remember what we've shared with who!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Ummm...accidentally directed my co-workers to online adult site..

I was telling Janet (lady I work with) about the website of our diaper-service ( She went to visit the site but thought "bear" was spelled "bare" . . .

I'm pretty sure I won't live this down any time soon ..


  • At 11:06 a.m., Blogger Bridgette said…

    That is hilarious, Chris! HA! I can just imagine your face turning bright red when she told you. Maybe that's why that company had to be bear bottoms too. :0) Can't wait to see you all in March - kiss baby Crystal for us!


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