Chris And Connie

A blog from Chris & Connie, in Ontario, Canada. Rather than sending out unsolicited emails with updates of goings-on in our family, come check out our blog at your convenience. It also makes for an easier time sharing things, without having to remember what we've shared with who!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Finishing up school...

I have just finished with one course, and Connie is in the throes of another. It's been a tough haul recently with the course work we both have, but we're slogging through it. Mom and Jim are up for a visit for a couple of weeks, and they are graciously putting in a bathroom in the basement while they're here! Jim is filling me in on the process as I assist. Pictures to come! Ahhh... there's nothing like swinging around a jackhammer and blowing away some concrete - oh yes!


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