Chris And Connie

A blog from Chris & Connie, in Ontario, Canada. Rather than sending out unsolicited emails with updates of goings-on in our family, come check out our blog at your convenience. It also makes for an easier time sharing things, without having to remember what we've shared with who!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The death of the Xbox(s)...

As some of you know, my Xbox 360 had "red-ringed" a.k.a the red-rings-of-death. It's kinda like the check-engine light on your car, except there's no fix for this error. Microsoft had such a terrible failure rate, they extended the warranty period to 3 years if you get this nasty little message. I shipped it away, and got a replacement console in a week.

This week, Richard - after waiting months to get the game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, finally got the game, only to play it for less than a couple of hours and watch his Xbox red-ring (to his horror). So... it looks like the Ronalds/Donnellys are having a real run of luck: good that is - both of us get newer replacement consoles, and it happened to both of us in the last month or 2 of our warranty periods. Wahoo!


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