Chris And Connie

A blog from Chris & Connie, in Ontario, Canada. Rather than sending out unsolicited emails with updates of goings-on in our family, come check out our blog at your convenience. It also makes for an easier time sharing things, without having to remember what we've shared with who!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Good news from the Dr. . .

The cancer center called today with the results of the blood tests: (one cancer marker had returned to normal, but the other was still elevated) the remaining marker level has gone down. This means I will just be on regular check-ups and testing every 6 weeks for the next year and a half - but no chemo. Yeahhh!!
Thanks so much to everybody for your past & continued prayers. It is so appreciated! I'm sure we would not be in the place we are if people hadn't been praying.


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