Ten reasons to look before you get in bed...
Ah, yes... there's nothing like pet ownership. A late Sat. night ago, Connie and I went to bed. "This bed feels cold, doesn't it?" asked Connie. "I don't think that's cold we're feeling...". We turned on the lights to find JD took a leak on our 1-week old new duvet; so much so that the pee spot was about 1 ft. in diameter, and soaked thru every layer of sheet, but mercifully stopped at the waterproof mattress cover. We're sure JD was must've been saving a week's worth of pee, and decided Sat. night was as good as any to cash in. Needless to say, I (Chris) had the pleasure of crawling into the middle of the spot... To the surprise of many (including myself), the cat still lives.