Chris And Connie

A blog from Chris & Connie, in Ontario, Canada. Rather than sending out unsolicited emails with updates of goings-on in our family, come check out our blog at your convenience. It also makes for an easier time sharing things, without having to remember what we've shared with who!

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Picking up strangers for church . . .

Well.... this is a first. I usually pick up a lady for church at her apartment building. For some reason, I forgot that she wasn't going that day, but I saw another lady waiting in the lobby.

When she spotted me in my car outside the door, she came walking over. "O.k. - she'll see me when she gets closer, and keep walkin'... , umm... she's not stoppin'... (car door opens) uh.. Ma'am, I think somebody else will be waiting to pick you up . ." (she gets in, closes the door - that's when I notice the thick, coke-bottle glasses, waiting for us to leave).

As she leans forward to me from the back seat to see what I've been mumbling about, I see this sheer look of horror through her thick glasses to see me smiling from the front seat . . .
She was really great about the whole thing, but made a really quick exit!

Grandmom Morris & Crystal . . .

Grandmom Morris & Crystal having a nap . . .

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Ummm...accidentally directed my co-workers to online adult site..

I was telling Janet (lady I work with) about the website of our diaper-service ( She went to visit the site but thought "bear" was spelled "bare" . . .

I'm pretty sure I won't live this down any time soon ..

A setback, but getting better . . .

Connie noticed she had a temperature when we were visiting my Grandmother last Sat. Being at a nursing home, we grabbed a nurse off the floor to take her temp., and decided to take her to the walk-in clinic, where she was told she had mastitis on her right side. She's on antibiotics. Also ended up with a follow-up to the pediatric unit at Cambridge Hospital on Sun. Baby's fine, but needed to check on her progress because of the mastitis. Baby's doing fine, and Mom's healing going good.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

A wee scare . . .

Connie was taken to the hospital by ambulance on Sat. night after some complaints about pain & numbness on the right side of her body. The Dr. thought she may have a small clot. She was to have a CT scan that night, but the one at Cambridge Hospital broke, so she was sent out to Kitchener. In the end, Connie is o.k., and was given a blood-thinner to prevent any future occurrences (sometimes a post-natal complication). CT scan showed all clear and symptoms subsided. Whew!!

Crystal & Mom finally discharged, Parent Pix . . .

Connie & Crystal both came home Friday Feb.9 at 11:00am, after exactly 1 week in the hospital. A case of jaundice delayed Crystal & Connie's departure until her bilirubin levels lowered.

Snapshots with some of the Grandparents!

Grandpa Donnelly, Grandma Ronald

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Release from hospital delayed . . .

On the day we were to leave, staff noted baby Crystal came down with a case of jaundice. Not uncommon for some newborns, Crystal was placed on photo-therapy treatment with a mobile machine and a 'light paddle' which is bundled in with her. She should be home Thurs. or Fri.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

A Pastoral visit . . .

Thanks to Pastor Brian for a visit, and the rest of the folks at Avenue Rd. Baptist Church for all the help & encouragement! Special thanks to Holly (Pastor Chris' wife) for dropping off a care-package!

Monday, February 05, 2007

Welcome to Crystal Doreen Olive Donnelly!

Crystal Doreen Olive Donnelly was born at 10:34 p.m., Sun. Feb.4, weighing in at 6lbs, 11oz. Mom & baby are both healthy and doing fine.

The labor went fast from 6pm to 7:30, but the baby was presenting 'sunny-side up' (face up instead of down). After pushing for another 3 hours, it was decided to use both vacuum and forceps to assist delivery. Dad even got to cut the cord! Connie's own o.b. happened to be on call all weekend, which meant she had her own o.b. do the delivery vs. who's ever on call.

Born with a full-head of brown hair & blue eyes, and already has a health card!

Pictures: Mom & baby, Dad & Dr. Green, baby getting initial checkup, baby on the scale, welcome flag on the front of the house.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Labour induced . . .

Labour was induced at 10:00a.m. today, and her water was broken at 12:00p. It's been a slow go, but we're expecting a delivery by the end of today. Her own o.b. happened to be on call this weekend, so she was in luck!

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Let the games begin . . .

On Friday afternoon, during a routine o.b. exam, the Dr. sent Connie to the hospital for more tests, and ultimately found that she has leaked or stopped producing amniotic fluid, and the placenta is deteriorating. Sounds worse than it is, but she will need to be induced.

The response to initial round of drugs prior to inducement has been slow. Although Connie's been in the hospital since Friday, she was allowed home to sleep Sat. night - then right back in Sun. morning to induce labour.